I am a PostDoc with the Networks Centre at the Eindhoven University of Technology under the supervision of Remco van der Hofstad. I obtained my PhD from McGill University under the supervision of Louigi Addario-Berry. My research is concentrated around properties of random graphs, random trees, and random permutations, with contributions related to binary search trees, Mallows permutations, and minimum spanning trees. If you would like to get in touch, contact me at benoitcorsini at gmail dot com.

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3 Minute Thesis Competitions


I created a few visual animations of my (and other people's) work that you can find below. If you like what I did, you can find most of the code on Github or you can contact me if you have any questions.

I am also always open to new projects, so if you would like me to create similar animations for your work, feel free to contact me at benoitcorsini at gmail do com!

Apart from my research interests, I also have various topics I am passionate about/spend way too much time on that I will share in this section.


I created a gallery of travel pictures.


In the last years I started writing my own music (mostly instrumental metal). This lead me to produce my own album in 2021, called Personal Moods. In particular, I invite you to check the fourth track, Leaders, objectively the best one on the album. Since then, I also re-wrote several of my favorite TV shows theme songs, including The Office and Parks and Recreation. I invite you to check out my Youtube channel for more content.

Most of what I know in music actually comes from various Youtube channels which have helped me better understand musical concepts and develop my writing and playing skills. Below are some of the most helpful channels I follow.